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Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Canada as the focal point.  with a signal coming from it.jpg

Eternal Signals to Launch First Broadcast on December 21, 2025

We are thrilled to announce that our first transmission into space is scheduled for December 21, 2025, at 12:00 AM AST. This date is significant across various cultural, scientific, spiritual, and religious domains, making it the perfect moment to send your messages into the cosmos.


Why December 21, 2025?


Cultural and Spiritual Significance:


  • Winter Solstice: December 21 marks the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This day has been celebrated by many cultures throughout history as a time of rebirth, renewal, and reflection. It’s a moment when the darkness begins to recede, symbolizing the return of light and hope.


  • Yule: In Pagan traditions, the Winter Solstice is celebrated as Yule, a festival honoring the rebirth of the sun. It’s a time of spiritual renewal, where rituals and gatherings celebrate the cyclical nature of life and the promise of light returning to the world.


  • Christian Advent Season: For many Christians, the solstice period coincides with the anticipation of Christmas, representing the coming of light into the world. It’s a time of reflection, hope, and spiritual preparation.


Scientific and Astronomical Importance:


  • Astronomical Alignment: The Winter Solstice represents a key moment in Earth’s orbit, where the planet's axial tilt is farthest from the sun, resulting in the longest night of the year. This event has been a focal point of astronomical study for centuries, marking a pivotal moment in our understanding of the Earth’s relationship with the sun.


  • Solstice Traditions: The alignment of the Earth during the solstice has been a source of fascination and study in both ancient and modern cultures, symbolizing the profound connection between humanity and the cosmos.


Open for Bookings Now!

We are excited to open bookings for our inaugural broadcast. Starting today, you can submit your personal or confidential messages to be transmitted into space. The first broadcast will begin at 12:00 AM AST on December 21, 2025. Whether your message is for a lost loved one, a call to the universe, or a spiritual reflection, this is your opportunity to send your signal into the cosmos.


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How Far Could an AM Signal Travel into Space? Theoretical Musings from Eternal Signals

At Eternal Signals, we’re all about sending your messages to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. But just how far can an AM radio signal travel into space? It’s a question that combines the realms of physics, astronomy, and a bit of imagination. Let’s dive into the theories that explore the potential reach of your messages.


AM Signals: The Basics


AM (Amplitude Modulation) radio signals are a type of electromagnetic wave that travels at the speed of light—about 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282 miles per second). These signals have relatively low frequencies, typically ranging from 530 to 1700 kHz, which allows them to travel vast distances, especially at night when they can bounce off the ionosphere and cover thousands of kilometers on Earth.


Theoretical Reach in Space

Once an AM signal leaves Earth, it enters the vacuum of space. Here, it no longer encounters the ionosphere but continues to propagate outward, theoretically forever. In the absence of atmospheric interference, an AM signal could travel immense distances. However, its strength diminishes over time and distance due to the inverse-square law, which states that the power of a signal decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from the source.


So, how far could your message travel?


  1. Within the Solar System:

    • An AM signal could easily reach beyond our planet, potentially traveling as far as the outer planets like Jupiter or Saturn within a matter of minutes or hours. However, by the time it reaches these distances, the signal would be incredibly weak and likely indistinguishable from the cosmic background noise.

  2. Interstellar Space:

    • In theory, an AM signal could continue to travel beyond our solar system and into interstellar space. For example, the closest star system, Alpha Centauri, is about 4.37 light-years away. It would take an AM signal just over 4 years to reach it. However, the signal would be so faint by then that detecting it with current technology would be nearly impossible.

  3. Across the Milky Way:

    • Stretching our imagination even further, we could consider the AM signal traveling across our galaxy. The Milky Way is about 100,000 light-years in diameter. An AM signal could theoretically traverse this distance, but after such a long journey, it would be indistinguishable from the vast sea of electromagnetic radiation in the galaxy.


Limitations and Possibilities

While it’s exciting to imagine your AM signal reaching distant stars or even neighboring galaxies, there are practical limitations. As the signal spreads out, it weakens, becoming nearly impossible to detect with conventional radio telescopes. Cosmic dust, gas, and other sources of electromagnetic interference would further degrade the signal over time.


However, this doesn’t diminish the thrill of sending a message into space. The idea that your words or sounds could travel for thousands, millions, or even billions of years into the future, potentially being intercepted by distant civilizations (if they exist), is what makes Eternal Signals so unique.​​


At Eternal Signals, we’re making the dream of communicating with the cosmos a reality. While the true reach of your AM signal may remain a mystery, the excitement of knowing it’s out there—traveling through space—is something we’re proud to offer. Book your transmission today and be part of this cosmic journey.

Remember, your message could be the one that travels far beyond our wildest expectations!


Eternal Signals – Broadcasting to the Infinite.

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